Idvorski Laboratories company was established in June 2013 with the goal to provide EMC product testing service. The company is an independent entity, co-owned by Mihailo Pupin Institute, ICT-Net industry cluster, and University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering. 

Establishment of Idvorski Laboratories Ltd. was a key result of the EMC Serbia project funded by the European Union. The total EMC Serbia project value is 1,011,783 EUR, whereas 908,679 EUR of it is contributed by EU. Idvorsky Laboratories are equipped with the latest generation of EMC test instruments which enable EMC product testing in accordance with the current versions of test standards. Installed equipment includes full compliance anechoic chamber which enables RF interference measurements and immunity tests up to 18 GHz. 

In the process of speciffication of EMC test equipment and development of test procedures, ambitious technical team of Idvorski Labs was cooperating with the group of leading EMC experts: Professor Tony Djordjevic, John Davies, Tim Williams and Phil Carter.

Professor Djordjevic is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is internationally recognized expert in the fields of microwave technology and EMC.

John Davies is a founder of EMC Goggles and a consultant with hands-on experience with establishing and managing EMC test labs.

Tim Williams, founder of Elmac Services, is a well-known EMC consultant and a trainer for design engineers.

Finally, Phil Carter is a senior consultant, co-founder of 17025 Assesments Ltd., and a leading Assessor for test and calibration laboratories accreditation who performed more than 2,500 assessments during his carier.  

Selection of EMC test equipment, anechoic chamber characteristics, knowledge and experience which the engaged experts transferred to the Idvorski laboratories team, guarantee high quality of service and strong level of the confidence in EMC test results. In addition to EMC product testing, the Idvorsky laboratories offer product testing service in accordance with the EU Low Voltage Directive through cooperation with local partners, thus completing the full set of tests needed for most of electrical devices.  

Idvorsky laboratories support clients from the very beginning of the device development cycle with a set of benefits, such as: discounts on testing during development (pre-compliance) or favourable prices for the final testing (full-compliance) in order to establish the long term cooperation.  

Since 25th February 2014. Idvorsky Laboratories are accredited laboratory for EMC testing.  


Saša Jorgovanović

Saša Jorgovanović



Phone: +381 62 800 10 72


Andrijana Lazić

Andrijana Lazić

Lead test engineer




dr Antonije Đorđević

dr Antonije Đorđević




dr Dragan Olćan

dr Dragan Olćan

Associate Professor
