Idvorsky Laboratories is a designated body authorized by Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia to provide product conformity assessment and to issue EMC Type Examination Certificate for ALL products under scope of Rulebook of Electromagnetic Compatibility (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia 25/2016 and 21/2020).


Information about our designation, register of certified products, certification process, necessary instructions and guides for user are posted on this webpage in section ‘Instructions, Forms and Documents’.


Also, you can find more details about our certification prices, general terms for certification and procedure for complaints at the page Certification.


Both type of EMC certificates may be issued after product documentation assessment (Technical File) that have to be submitted by manufacturer, representative or importer. In the case you do not have EMC Test Report i.e. if your device is not tested yet, we can also offer you testing service in our accredited EMC laboratory - please find more details at Testing.  


In according to Serbian EMC Rulebook certificates may not be issued to:


Radio telecommunication equipment For this type of equipment we can offer you appropriate certificate in line with Rulebook on Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia 11/2012) - please find more detail at Radio Equipment Certification


Machines (fall under scope of Rulebook of machinery)


Electronic devices not cover by EMC Rulebook or to which other technical requirements are set in force.